a blog about my gaming experience with the Demigod "Oak" and surely some more stuff....
how to make ur fellow game fan sick...
Published on August 8, 2009 By Microstar In Demigod Multiplayer

Dear DG Community,


do i really have to check the settings of each and every game i enter before pressing ready  ?!?!


If u say yes..u can stop reading here:


BUT: Here comes the problem. I see more and more players focussing their strats on a special game setting...whatever...fast xp rate, slow flag capture, long respawn, creeps, etc.,


Trained to that setting they just overwhelm random teams that expect a regular game. U expect a tower do a special dmg...but suddenly it does twice...or u expect u can cap the flag over there ...but u cant..cause it takes ages....and so on and on...u just loose cause u dont know what settings are done....


The solution:  If the game is done in standard settings.....RANK it.....if settings are costumized....its UNRANKED....that would prevent such ..forgive...SHITTY behavior.....


If u was fair enough to inform enemy team about the different settings...all is cool...but dont trick them in ur special game.


over and out ...da micro

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