a blog about my gaming experience with the Demigod "Oak" and surely some more stuff....

Dear Devs,

as a "First Hour Fan" of your game, i´am über-happy to see and play Soase II. Best decision ever!!

For the moment i am missing not much, or can easily wait until the missing content or features are released. But one thing i would like to see implemented early. In Soase it was possible to change the difficulty of an AI player when loading a savegame. This made it possible to start against a easy AI and later on increase the difficulty of the game.

Please consider bringing back this feature ...


Best regards and a big Thank you!!!


on Aug 01, 2023

Thank you for the feedback! In general A.I balancing is awaiting another faction to be introduced first, so we may take balancing over this implementation, but I'll be sure to communicate the idea